• Member Since 9th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


The Multiverse. It is a strange place in which there are worlds where things taste like purple and two plus two equals fish and if you divide that by three you get salmon... truly a weird place.

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What would have happened if one of the Mane 6 had moved away from ponyville? · 6:06am Nov 12th, 2023

This is a thought that just tonight randomly popped into my head and left me wondering. What would have happend if one of the 6 had left Ponyville for whatever reason, be it better work elsewhere or familly issues or something. This would have obviously made things harder for the Elements to do their thing if they were needed. Howver we ALSO have to remember that they are also ponies with their own lives, dreams and wants in life. So how would the Princesses react to one of the 6 moving away?

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Report Twilight_Shimmer · 89 views ·
Comments ( 217 )
  • Viewing 213 - 217 of 217

And now, thank you for adding The Perfectiest Plan to your favorites. I hope you enjoyed your time with the sugar overload.

Thank you for adding my story to your shelf! :heart:

it was an adorable read to be sure!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for liking my story Night Artist :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding 'Are you sure you want to do that?' to your favourites!

  • Viewing 213 - 217 of 217
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