upcoming updates · 11:26pm Feb 10th, 2020
So first the good news, i happen to have more free time so I can finally start working on the new chapters.
The bad news I lost my job and now i have to get my life together if I want to continue living where I'm, if not i may lose not only my job but my current place and would have to go back to my home country, losing everything i achieved over 4 years.
anyways expect some delays for next chapter and part 2, sorry.
Rip dead stories no updates or blogs in 3 years
Hey everything alright with you?
Hey Snow are you ok we haven't heard from you for a while and are getting worried
i need to take a flight this week, if nothing bad happens and i don't get the virus. i should be have it ready in a month or month and a half.
Any idea when land of twilight is going to be updated?