• Member Since 16th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Hello! My username is weird, but call me Steve, cause it's my real name.. I'm some guy that was introduced to MLP by a friend, and soon grew a liking to fanfics. I like to read/write lesbian Twi.

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Uhh... That just happened · 2:53pm Dec 12th, 2017

So, as the title says, while I was sleeping last night my story that looks a lot like plagiarism was noticed by the mods of this site last night, and unpublished my story. Luckily, the mod who did this politely informed me of why it was done, and how to avoid it happening again. Unfortunately, due to the rules that this site understandably have in place, the way that I'm writing my continuation will not have the chapters from Mekon, and will instead seem stand alone. Make no mistake... It

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

Hey there again and thanks for the fav on a new changeling queen :pinkiehappy:

Hello and thank you for the fav on why she serves:twilightsheepish:

thanks for the follow, it really helps XD

:ajsmug: Thanks for adding Star Overhead to your favorites. Glad you liked it.

...There are entire groups devoted to it, and plenty of Art.

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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