• Member Since 28th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


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Comments ( 143 )
  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143

Thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile: Your take on Twilight in Twilight's Nightmare (and the lore the story provides) is wild stuff!

thank you for the follow honestly, I am surprised, but thank you for making Twilight's nightmare. It is an awesome book and I can't wait to see how it ends or it how it continues

thanks for the follow, also cute profile picture

No problem. I wanted readings of them as well, that's why I did them. I plan on finishing Knight Breeze's trilogy and then I've got my eye on a few other stories.
Also, if you liked What I've Become you might be interested in The Elements in Harmony. Little bit more fantasy than sci-fi, but I wrote it after reading Knight Breeze's story and was very much inspired by it.
Or you could wait for the reading of that I plan on doing later as well...

  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143
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