• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2022



Introducing Clop for a Cause 2! · 8:15am Dec 17th, 2016

Report Monanniverse · 897 views ·

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Comments ( 83 )
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Hi UM you just randomly pop in my head is it ok if i ask Why you havnt posted any thing in 3 years you ware one off the best mlp fanfic narrators out there did you just get bored and started to dislike it or did school or life get in the way your last activity was in May so i hope I can get an response in some months at least

I’m kind of miss your story Maid For You
Hopefully it will resurface in the future

Hey Monanniverse I have one question that I would like to ask you and if you still here and got this message please respond what happened to you lots of us want to know and this would clear that up so please respond. Also I support you no matter the decision you make

Hey do you have a DeviantArt account?

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