Starlight Glimmer is Greatest Pony! · 4:51pm Apr 8th, 2018
So yeah I wrote this silly parody of Starlight Glimmer based off of a song that parodies Vladimir Putin.
One mare has the strength of one thousand mares. Her sweat's made of stallion tears!
When you cut her out fly a swarm of wasps, Empress Starlight Glimmer!
She hate dykes cause she secretly dyke She don't care for cute little Spike!
She'll throw you in jail if you have butt mark, but she's defiantly not a dyke!
Thank you for listing up a tale like Rolling Thunderlane. Keep sticking around, you won't wanna miss a moment of Vis.
Lemme know in the fic's comments just what drove you to it - or anywhere you can what drove ya to me!
Oh yeah.
Marie: Our boyfriends are in trouble! I say we call the cops!
May: What number do you dial for 911?
Not till the end. If you remember that the story started with the beginning of Big Picture Show, so whenever the story ends... you'll know what is to come
If I may give some construction citicism try to also add some unique dialouge and adventures and not just copy and paste previous Ed Edd n Eddy episodes. Also are the Kankers gonna find the Eds?!
Thanks, hopefully it won't be as rushed with the next chapter coming up