• Member Since 13th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 13th, 2022

Night Striker

A hockey player from the east coast who enjoys paintball and airsoft. I believe Luna is best pony (Next Spitfire)


YOU SHOULD LIKE TOTALLY DO THIS · 2:43am Nov 28th, 2014

So, somebody from the group (the New Lunar Republic) and I are working on a collaboration for a Fallout Equestria story (or close to it) and we are in search of more ponies to help us at the moment. If you are interested in helping, PM me your email and I'll send you a link to the GDoc that way you can help us brainstorm.

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The site's being very odd. It keeps randomly logging everyone off, not letting them post without multiple refreshes, etc...

I'm sorry that I only ever seem to comment when there's a site problem

Same old same old. Long time no see. I'm sure you remember me. I thought I drop by and give a welcoming hello.

The main group. Let's just say I'd delete the side ones if I could.

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MLP Personality Test Results.

Hello there! This test is on Bronyland. I have taken this test and this is my result.

Full personality description:
If there's one thing you know you are, it's #1! You tend to be competitive by nature and love to show off your talents at every available moment, but that's often because you've put in a lot of practice to perfect your techniques and want to take pride in your effort. Because of this, you sometimes get a little too proud, fearing competing if you don't feel you can win and getting hotheaded if someone questions your capabilities. You hate losing.
Even though you may be a bit self-centered, you still care deeply for your friends and would stand up for them no matter what. You're deeply loyal to them, even if you may not always show it. Just because they're not as talented as you doesn't mean they're worthless, because you love them for who they are, although you may still joke around and give them a hard time — really, who doesn't like a laugh? You're incredibly brave and will be the first one to volunteer to venture off into the unknown or stand up against an enemy, perhaps letting your impulses get a hold of you before a rational plan is actually thought of.
While a lot of ponies may care how they look or concern themselves over what they're doing, you always want to present yourself in the coolest way possible. Whatever someone else is, your goal is to be 20% cooler. Fashion and style are a waste of time to you, because you know that's not what determines how cool a pony is. And if you think dying your hair all of the colors of the rainbow will make you 20% cooler, hey, guess what, because you don't care about appearances, it does.