• Member Since 9th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 15th

Prince Lunar


guess who's back. · 12:40am Sep 24th, 2021

Well Kind just thought id stop by again and see how things were since I've been gone for over 6 years. I'm doing well I turned 21 a few months back I work at an ammo factory now its been pretty good. Got my CWP today and am hoping to enlist in the marines as a small arms mechanic. i'm not much of a brony anymore infact anything made after that box with the keyholes was revealed I never watched so idk what's goin on and dont really plan on trying to learn really only stopped by so those that

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Never know. Have hope. 😇

well it is good to see atleast someone who will talk. all of my old friends have long since left really a shame i hope they reappear but i doubt it

We haven't. I used to go around spreading goodness on the site and just labeled others who seemed to be inactive for the longest.

if you would help to remind me i dont think i ever met you while i was active.


Well, life surprises you like that, lol

i dont know if i will stay but somethings in life have pulled my attention here once not gonna lie thought id never return here.

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