• Member Since 12th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 12th, 2017


If you have ideas for a story or just plain comments, send me an email at nekosama42@gmail.com.

Accomplishments and things to Accomplish

1. [] Become famous.

2. [x] Finish a damn clopfic

3. [x] Finish a damn fic

4. [] Reach 200 followers

5. [] Reach 500 followers

6. [x] Get Regidar to follow me

7. [] Get ABronyForLife42 to follow me

8. [] Get one of my fics featured

9. [] Get one of my fics reviewed

10. [] Be interviewed about one of my fics.

11. [] Get ObCom to follow me.


Oh lordy lordy · 9:38pm Oct 9th, 2015

Totally forgot about this site. Did I miss anything while I was away?

Report Neko-sama · 501 views ·

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Comments? Ideas? Suggestions for a story?
You can send me an email at nekosama42@gmail.com! Just leave you username and your idea or comment or request, and I'll do my best to get back to you!

Comments ( 249 )
  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ioz2RdEtmvo I don't know if you'll ever see this or will but here I wanted to give you something for the great stories you write

Thank you very much for granting 'An Apple for Ya Trouble' with a favorite! :raritystarry::heart:

Thanks for adding my story to your library! You depraved pervert you. :rainbowlaugh:

your icon dude... lol

pssst het dude, I need a fix... know when the update will be out?:rainbowderp:

  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249
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