• Member Since 7th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 19th, 2016


I'm not Welsh.

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School Life · 8:52pm Feb 7th, 2014

Well, I'm in a pickle. Actually it's more like I'm doing something with my life now, but anyway.

On top of my usual school life, I've decided to push myself this year and join three clubs, one I'll be leading. First is the Shakespeare society in switch I preform in a large scale production Shakespeare play, second is debating, which speaks for itself.

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Report Lolsternater · 647 views ·
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what happened to winged

Wow. I think I kinda know that feeling. I just got a complaint from another person I'm editing who's waiting for progress, but my google docs are just fucked up everything for me. I think I might have to get a new one too.

I'm afraid to start writing now because I feel that my laptop will breakdown again.

I need you again. I really do. *peeks through mail slot* I know you're in there

Works most of the time :rainbowlaugh:

  • Viewing 147 - 151 of 151
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