• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2016


Hiya everybody, I'm some gamer chick that reads a lot and is extremely inconsistent about when I sign on and off of this website, message me if you want a proofread of something and I'll do it maybe

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Um · 10:42pm Feb 16th, 2015

*whispers* how do i use this website now what do i do somebody help me oh lord

editing because i have nothing better to do:

guess i'm taking my yearly fimfiction check c: 'ello guys how're u duin dis fine day
not really anything else to say tbh, just poking around on WoW and SSB 3DS (you should totes friendcode me if you have a 3ds too )
that's really it, maybe i'll stay online for like 3 minutes or something

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