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Thanks for the fav on The Old Gray Mare!
D: I have no idea why it did that. I didn't put any restrictions on it, nor do I know how I would even be able to.
I tried commenting on your blog but it wouldn't let me D:
1634350 Yee!
Private Cumsnow, ready to serve you~
from now on you're Private Cumsnow.
I'd probably keep take the title of The Obliviator.
1634264 What do you want your title to be?
1633645 You are now my familiar~
Well then, mistress, let me enter *your* danger zone, then.
1633637 Anything within an ∞ mile radius of my massive aura is the danger zone. My existence in of itself emits trouble.
My heart and tongue are at your disposal, mistress~
Don't even bring up my penis unless you're prepared to go to the danger zone.
1633621 Hah! Who needs a "heart"penis and a tongue?
My power level is 1.234567899876543210987654321x10¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰⁸⁷⁹⁶⁵⁴¹²²²⁸⁸⁸⁷+∞
actually, your heart and tongue will come in handy to me.
It's... it's over 9000.... But I make up for it with a strong tongue and a big "heart"
1633615 Yes, and that may be something that never happens again. Now, what is your power level?
You're too kind to me, mistress~
1633606 that just got me to think of something...
Mistress D Molestia!
Brilliant, my pet Butter Foofy! Simply Brilliant!
Maybe I should offer you a blowjob for your obliviously brilliant nature!
I can only hope there is more sex than slave with this new title, empress.
1633601 Fine then, but I've already made you my sex slave. Honeypoo.