• Member Since 20th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 13th, 2023



Still Not Dead. · 3:23am Apr 9th, 2015

So. Hey.
S'been awhile.
Couple of things I'd like to talk about.

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Report Maphysto · 448 views ·

Some words I wrote

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Well, in the opera Faust, there's a character named Mephistopheles. In book form, his name is shortened to "Mephisto". There's also this organization called MaPhySto (short for Mathematics, Physics and Stochastics), and I thought it was interesting how their name resembled the character from Faust.

Tl;dr: I saw a neat name and started using it on the internet :derpytongue2:

Where did you get your name from?

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