• Member Since 17th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2018



(Monty Python voice) I'm not dead yet · 9:54pm Nov 3rd, 2013

So as some of you may have noticed, I haven't been online in a while. Why?
1. During the hiatus, I've been drifting away from this fandom and falling into different ones (aka the Les Mis fandom). I still like MLP, but I don't rewatch episodes every day and constantly think of new chapters for fanfics.
2. I've kind of been dealing with a few of my friends' issues over the past few months. Nothing big, just enough to distract me from fanfiction.

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I wanted to thank you for adding my story "You Don't Mess With The Snips" to your favorites list. I'm a little embarrassed it took me so very long to actually get around to it, so I'm just gonna thank everyone all at once to make up for it. Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy it!

And also, I wanted to thank you for being a regular commentator as well. Little notes like yours are the best parts of posting new chapters, and it really makes me happy to you and so many other people took the time to opine on my works. So thanks so much for that!

431017 ok let me go get my baggy pants......

Thank you for the favorite.

Thanks for the fav

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(Monty Python voice) I'm not dead yet · 9:54pm Nov 3rd, 2013

So as some of you may have noticed, I haven't been online in a while. Why?
1. During the hiatus, I've been drifting away from this fandom and falling into different ones (aka the Les Mis fandom). I still like MLP, but I don't rewatch episodes every day and constantly think of new chapters for fanfics.
2. I've kind of been dealing with a few of my friends' issues over the past few months. Nothing big, just enough to distract me from fanfiction.

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Report fluttershywriter · 641 views ·

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