• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2014

The Gooey Center

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I can't promise anything, but I can say that you guys have made me want to write again. Maybe someday I'll have something new to post, and when I do I now know I don't have to make a brand new account just to do so.

Cya Melon. College really does consume a lot of life and I wish you the best. You wrote a nice story and while I can't claim to be a fan of you I can say that I genuinely enjoyed your story "Darn It, Pavlov!" Your writing is far better than mine and even if you don't write as often it will likely stay superior to what I can do. I just hope you saved your work on each of your individual stories because even if they are never completed they could still provide a nice couple hours of nostalgia for you years down the line. If you ever do come back I can genuinely say I will be pleased to see you.

Though we go our separate ways, as all anonymous internet interactions inevitably do I still wish you the best on the path you choose and wish you the greatest in the life you make for yourself. Have a lovely life.

Oh look another long dead author, but at least this awesome dude finished the story I fell in love with (the pavlov one), and we- oh who am I kidding? No one comes here anymore, soooo:


If you are reading this future FF user wondering just what the fuck happened to this guy and what the fuck am I doing, well, I was high this day :yay:

Hello sir or madame,
I am Obsidian Raindrop the creator of a group known as The Great and Not Obsessive Trixie I am here to ask if you would like your story to be added to my group.
The only requirements are:
1. You have a story about Trixie and she is not completely obsessing over her lose at the hands of Twilight. (She can hate that she lost to twilight and even try and beat again but she just can't be be so obsessive like she is in most stories. )
2. She may be a supporting character or a main character it does not matter.
3. i can`t think of a third thing
It's me Osidian again asking you guys to do stuff you don't want to.
1. tell me the name of your story and the one folder you want it in
2. join the group it is really cool and we'll soon get a banner up
3. fallow because it will boost my confidence
Sorry to all those who either received this email twice or who don`t have trixie as a main or supporting character. Also just PM me if you want your story added.
Yours truly, Obsidian Raindrop

You gonna continue Shift with the Tides?

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Look at that face. You can't hate a face like that.


Closing the Account (UPDATE: But apparently not) · 1:00am Feb 10th, 2014

I'm sorry to say this, as I know I have many watchers, some of which are still hoping I rise from the dead and complete the stories I have. Unfortunately, I'm making this post to say that isn't going to happen.

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