• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 27th, 2023


I write like once a year.


Still kicking around. Also writing again. Also, shameless bump. · 9:57pm May 27th, 2020

I've started a new job that gives me lots of free time at nights. I've been using it to write. I'm hoping this means I'll be around a little more, and maybe even put out some new content.

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"last seen Jul 26th, 2023"

Aw, lawd he dead

I realized I had no idea where it was going. That's kind of why I stopped. I realized I had written myself into a hole and I didn't know how it was going to end.

I'm curious, how were you planning for the story Undead Equestria to end?

Hey Sorren, now that I have rejoined the fandom and returned to this website I Just wanted to say thanks for introducing me to Fimfiction. If you had not commented on my Youtube profile telling me about this website almost six years ago (what we were talking about I can't recall) I might never have found it and read so many awesome stories, met so many cool users, and made soo many memories. So thank you Sorren for introducing me to this website and helping me create all these memories! :twilightsmile:

Oh my god I'm old. Fucking shit.

Happy late six-year anniversary on Fimfiction, by the way! Holy crud :D

2548664 Just moderately okay? Do anything special? I spent the very first minutes of it a work...again x3

All is moderately okay. New years was... moderately okay!

I'm P good. Thanks for asking.

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