I've started a new job that gives me lots of free time at nights. I've been using it to write. I'm hoping this means I'll be around a little more, and maybe even put out some new content.
If you're going to read my stuff, read this stuff first because it doesn't suck.
StrongerWhat does it take to be better? For Bulk Biceps, better just isn't enough.by Sorren
3,092 words
· 42 · 6
Mistakes Best Not RememberedMemories hurt; she knows this. A thousand years on the moon with nothing but your own thoughts is torture beyond imagination. Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is pretend they never existed. But sometimes, those memories don't want to be forgotby Sorren
3,364 words
· 148 · 6
What's Under the Ground...Daring Do expects this to be just another day of exploration... She was wrong.by Sorren
17,116 words
· 110 · 5
Time's Gone ByTime flies when you're having fun. For Rainbow Dash, it goes just a little too fast. Sometimes, you may miss out on life for all of the right reasons.by Sorren
2,815 words
· 63 · 7
Memories hurt; she knows this. A thousand years on the moon with nothing but your own thoughts is torture beyond imagination. Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is pretend they never existed. But sometimes, those memories don't want to be forgot
Rarity has never been quite right, but has anypony? Opal was never quite sure what to think of them. Ponies were weird, and that's just how it was. Nothing they ever did made sense, like swimming or singing... So why was Rarity acting so weird?
There's a certain word for love built for somepony in secrecy; it's called naivety. Once this point is reached, lessons are learned the hard way and sorrow flows like a river. Rainbow, like always, is the hardest to fall.
Equestria, desperate, trapped in a four-year aerial conflict against an enemy they can not beat, seeks an end to the war. Now, hundreds of miles from Equestrian soil, an attack on the enemy force is their last option.
A Song of Storms: Of Skies Long ForgottenThe pegasi that founded Equestria have a dark past, a past steeped in war and a fight for the survival of their very race, and one that Commander Hurricane played a key role in.by The 24th Pegasus
107,531 words
· 495 · 8
A Song of Storms: Snow and ShadowsWith the onset of the windigo curse, Commander Hurricane and the other tribal leaders leave in search of new lands. They aren't the only ones to face challenges, as the tribes inch closer and closer to ripping each other apart with each day.by The 24th Pegasus
229,687 words
· 346 · 6
Wind and StoneThe Red Cloud War saw the pegasi lose everything to the griffon hordes. Legends rose, heroes died, and through it all, Pathfinder survived. Eighty years later he must confront those painful memories. Memories of loss, of home, of the wind and stone.by Ruirik
225,126 words
· 180 · 10
Fire & RainSometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightestby Ruirik
133,313 words
· 1,977 · 48
Feathers of Blue and GoldSpitfire and Rainbow Dash come to grips with the aftermath of a thunderstorm gone wrong, crippling injuries, and the struggles of a young relationship in the sequel to Fire & Rainby Ruirik
42,112 words
· 915 · 46
2723740 I realized I had no idea where it was going. That's kind of why I stopped. I realized I had written myself into a hole and I didn't know how it was going to end.
Hey Sorren, now that I have rejoined the fandom and returned to this website I Just wanted to say thanks for introducing me to Fimfiction. If you had not commented on my Youtube profile telling me about this website almost six years ago (what we were talking about I can't recall) I might never have found it and read so many awesome stories, met so many cool users, and made soo many memories. So thank you Sorren for introducing me to this website and helping me create all these memories!
"last seen Jul 26th, 2023"
Aw, lawd he dead
Boop :3
I realized I had no idea where it was going. That's kind of why I stopped. I realized I had written myself into a hole and I didn't know how it was going to end.
I'm curious, how were you planning for the story Undead Equestria to end?
Hey Sorren, now that I have rejoined the fandom and returned to this website I Just wanted to say thanks for introducing me to Fimfiction. If you had not commented on my Youtube profile telling me about this website almost six years ago (what we were talking about I can't recall) I might never have found it and read so many awesome stories, met so many cool users, and made soo many memories. So thank you Sorren for introducing me to this website and helping me create all these memories!
2559288 Sssily :b
Oh my god I'm old. Fucking shit.
Happy late six-year anniversary on Fimfiction, by the way! Holy crud :D
2548664 Just moderately okay? Do anything special? I spent the very first minutes of it a work...again x3
All is moderately okay. New years was... moderately okay!
I'm P good. Thanks for asking.