• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 27th, 2023


I write like once a year.


Still kicking around. Also writing again. Also, shameless bump. · 9:57pm May 27th, 2020

I've started a new job that gives me lots of free time at nights. I've been using it to write. I'm hoping this means I'll be around a little more, and maybe even put out some new content.

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I'm still kicking, and potentially(?) taking story commissions! · 5:33pm Sep 5th, 2019

So I've been looking to get back into writing things for a while now. Going to Bronycon and meeting all of the artists I grew up around really kind of put a spur to my sides, and honestly, I'm wanting to write again; I mean write, not just roleplay excessively with internet buddies. Coincidentally, I've also been put into a rather interesting situation in which I find myself in a place of wanting more money than I currently have. (tldr my car got stolen and insurance is being a bitch) I

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Thank you everyone! · 4:57pm Nov 17th, 2016

So, Size Finally Matters finally dropped out of the featured box, after almost three days in the spotlight, and while it never hit the number one slot, I am still absolutely ecstatic to have gotten so much recognition for it, especially considering that the story contained my own original characters. First off, I would like to greatly thank HatHound for the wonderful cover art, which I am quite sure helped me greatly with drawing attention, and

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New Chapter of Bloodwood is out + New story later today · 7:58pm Nov 14th, 2016

Sorry about the delay on that smutfic. I had to wait for the cover art to be finished, but man was it worth it.

I'll be trying to post it in about an hour or two, so keep your eyes open for it. Or don't. Whatever you wanna do!

Report Sorren · 447 views ·

Story spam? · 7:00pm Nov 11th, 2016

So, I've had this conversation with a couple of different authors now, and I'm really not quite sure how I feel about it, even now.

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Hey guys, be alive for this! · 5:10am Nov 7th, 2016

Now, I know I've been gone for... like two years, but I'm kind of getting back into the swing of things, and I plan to post a new story soon.

And it is going to be absolute, shameless smut. I'm hoping for a good turnout on it, because really, who doesn't hope for a good turnout on their stories? And, after the abysmal 20-something views that Bloodwood achieved, I'm really hoping for a victory here soon.

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Who's in the mood for spook fics!? · 7:44pm Oct 30th, 2016

I know I am! About to post a thing. Who knew!?

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Could I get some opinions? · 12:31pm Mar 6th, 2016

So, I've actually got about ten thousand words down of a new story I'm writing called "Bloodwood".

There are no canon characters in it, and it is a thriller/suspense/horror based around a group of loggers sent out into the Everfree forest. It's multi-chaptered. I'm not sure how long it will be yet, though the exposition itself took about 9k and I'm just starting to get into the real story.

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I hate my younger self · 6:01am Mar 3rd, 2016

So I just went through and deleted like... most of my blog posts because of how much I hated me in them. I mean, I'm 19 now, almost 20, so that means that I wrote half of them before I turned 18, and grew up... a lot.

I was a major shitbag back then. Well... I mean I probably still am now. But anyways! Yeah, a lot of those blogs are gone.

Holy shit I was a dick.

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New story is out! · 4:27am Dec 9th, 2015

I promised, and I delivered. Go and give it a look. Help me out and boost my confidence.

Report Sorren · 268 views ·