• Member Since 1st Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2017


I really have no idea what I'm doing. Just got a wild hair and decided to write a story. I've discovered my creativity is fueled by green thumbs and conversational comments...also a few beers.

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Hiatus · 7:59am May 3rd, 2016

I apologize for being away and not working on the story, but I simply can't write these days due to other things in life.

If the pendulum swings back to this, I will pick it up again.

Report saltybedspackle · 657 views ·
Comments ( 46 )
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Sad Pony Noises. I offered them help, to revive the story. But no response, to even that. :applecry:

"Last online December 16th, 2017"

Yeah they aren't coming back, going on almost 4 years of not even logging on? That's a dead ringer for abandoned.

Maybe he lost his login info hopefully that's not the case:raritycry:

I can't believe I've only just found "Waking up in Equestria", I'm currently half way through and absolutely loving it.

Here's to the pendulum swinging back to this with all your enthusiasm and heart for writing along with it.

Wishing you well saltybedspackle.

please come back

  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46
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