• Member Since 21st May, 2014
  • offline last seen December 2nd


There's always someone better than you. Trust me, I know.


I've got a kid, and yes, he's awesome! · 4:00am October 26th

We had ourselves a tiny little hooman on September 9th. He's pretty awesome, just like me!

Report MysticGuitar · 12 views ·


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I have extensive knowledge of all things cool, and am more than qualified to edit anything, including life itself.

So, send me a PM if you're looking for an editor. Just know that I'm an editor for a large news publication, so I may not always be available to help out.

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About Me (FAQ)

Do you actually play guitar?
Well, sort of. I mean, I own two acoustic guitars, but never really learned how to play them at rockstar level. I've always been more of a piano man.

Piano, huh?
Yup! Though, to be totally honest, I think guitars are cooler. That's why I call myself MysticGuitar!

Okay, so I get the Guitar part, but why Mystic?
Well, duh! Cause it sounds awesome!

What's your favourite pony?
Uh, do you seriously have to ask me that, dude? Rainbow Dash! I mean, come on, man. I'm basically identical to her, personality wise.

Wait, you're identical?
Yup, pretty much. It's kinda scary, actually. I mean, I'm so similar to her, it feels like they copied me, or something. I'm even Canadian, just like Ashleigh Ball.

Do you write clop?
Kinda? I'm not super great at writing sexy stuff. Teasing, I can do. But actual hardcore sex? I mean, I can do it, just not super well.

Do you take commissions?
Yes, I do. I've yet to actually receive any offers though, but whatever. At least I'm trying, right?

Foalcon. Foalcon?
Hodor. No seriously, I've got nothing against foalcon. If anything, I rather like it, so long as it offers an actual story. If it's just sex for sex, then I may not like it. Sort of depends on the author.

Are you a virgin?
Seriously, I've actually had people ask me that... you guys are weird!
Anyway, no. I'm not. Kinda lost it at a young age. (13, if you cared to know)

Are you a dude?
I am a dude.

Are you an adult?
Physically, yes. Mentally? Well, that's another story! Bahaha!

What's your favourite story?
On here, I'd have to say it's either Diaries of a Madman or Tales of the Oppressed. Both are great stories, and both are equally dark at times. I especially like the way Diaries of a Madman expanded upon the MLP world. Seriously, that story is great!

What's your favourite movie?
Uh, I honestly don't know? Maybe one of the Indiana Jones flicks. Wait, no. I've got it! Ip Man! Seriously, that's one of the best movies I've ever seen. And oh gosh, that sequel! Love it! Just, you can prob skip the third movie...

Favourite music artist?
Mother Mother, for sure! Can't go wrong with Foo Fighters, either. Oh, and mad props to Twenty One Pilots.

How old are you?
Currently, I'm 28. Born 1993, and proud of it!

Are you a brony?
Nope. At least, I don't consider myself to be one.

Wait, then why are you on a brony site?
I love the fandom! Seriously, there's so much talent here, I couldn't stay away from it, dude.

But, if you love the fandom, and write for the fandom, doesn't that make you a brony?
I mean, kinda? I like and respect the fandom, and sure, I'm also a part of it. But at the same time, I don't particularly like the actual show itself. Isn't liking the show a requirement to being a brony?

So what, you hate MLP?
No dude! I never said that! I just don't like the show as much as some other diehard fans. I don't hate the show either, I just never really got hooked into it, ya know?

So, you said you're identical to Dashie, right? Does that mean you're loyal?
Yup! I'm really proud of that, too. Like, if you're a friend of mine, I will always be there for ya, no matter what. Though, if you take advantage of my loyalty, I will hold a grudge. It takes a lot to completely ruin my trust of you, and once it's gone, it's hard to earn back. Like, when I was in high school, I had a friend that would constantly get into fights. I was always there, and literally fought for him. I'd go straight in and break it up, no matter how many people got involved. I defended the crap out of him, and thought I was doing the right thing. Turns out, he was using me, and would pay these bullies to fight him, just so he'd be able to watch me fight 3 people at a time. He wanted to see how far I'd go for a friend, and basically ruined our friendship because of that. He was a jerk, and used me. So, yeah. I'm loyal, and sometimes my loyalty bites me back.

Okay, so you're loyal. What about athletic?
Athletic, huh? Let's see... I played soccer for over ten years, hockey for a season and a half, a season of baseball, and even tried my hand at tennis. Aside from that, I also used to do mountain biking, and was a pro on a scooter! Also had 5 skateboards, though I kept breaking the decks... I also did BMX riding for a while. Oh, and I'm a blackbelt in karate. Well, sort of. I switched style one belt away from black, and the new style was different enough, forcing me to start at white. Earned up to orange before I got bored of it, and basically just moved back to sports. As far as I'm concerned, I earned my black belt, and would also spar against black belts in competitions. I usually won.
Then I got hurt, and basically, don't do any of that stuff anymore. Today, I mostly do pro gaming. You know, like gaming competitions. Stuff like that. I'm a very high ranked player for a popular eSport game. Won't mention which game, or my player name, since I wanna keep my writing and eSport stuff separate.

Whoa, does that mean you're famous?
I mean, kinda? A large audience knows who I am, and an even larger audience knows me through YouTube. But other than that, no. I doubt you'd recognize me if I were walking down the street.

What's your sexuality?
Uh, bi-curious, I guess? I don't really consider myself to be totally straight, but at the same time, I don't really think I'd specifically start dating a dude. I mean, if he's cool, maybe. But I've definitely got a preference for females. (now, if the question was "would you F a dude, then yeah, for sure)

Are you dating somebody right now?
Nope! Don't have time for that. I'm sure I'd be able to make time if I found a special someone, but so far, no one's really popped out at me. I tend to attract a certain type of person, too. Which I'm fine with, but it means they can be very blunt and direct. Don't get me wrong, tomboys are awesome, and all that. I just don't wanna date one right now. Though, if you're a tomboy, and you wanna hook up with me, we can... not do that, because I won't give you my personal info. Sucker! Pfft, now we shall both be alone. :D

Comments ( 37 )
  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

Hi, I read your story Finding love in dark places and noticed your last blog post. I was wondering if you were still here and that if you want to I’m always here to talk

Depends on what it is. I also can't make any promises that I'll be able to do it. Got a lot going on right now. Send me a PM

Because I was wondering if I could possibly make a fic request

Sorta. Been going through some personal shit, as you can probably tell from my blog post. Why? What's up?

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