• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
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Empty Your Mind · 4:16pm Sep 19th, 2015

Empty you Mind
Be Formless, Shapeless. Like Water
You Put water into a Cup, It becomes the Cup.
You Put water into a Bottle, It Becomes the Bottle.
You put water into a Teapot, It becomes the Teapot.
Water can Flow, or it can Crash.
Be Water, My Friend.

Bruce Lee....

Now lets see if you we can apply Pinkie Logic to this and see what happens. :pinkiehappy:

Report RuneStone · 375 views ·
Comments ( 123 )
  • Viewing 119 - 123 of 123

Thanks for the follow, God bless!

You have good start so far. Keep going.

Thanks for adding A Star Among Wizards to your library!

Thank you for favoring Star Wars: Jedi Lyra. I hope you'll enjoy the journey.

Thanks for adding Care to Take a Lady Out on a Date? to your bookshelf!

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