• Member Since 31st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 10th, 2015


My name is Arvaus. I do some art and write some stuff, and like Celestia.

Stuff that I wrote


The Seventh Part Two · 10:50am Apr 1st, 2015

Well, now that The Seventh is finally finished, I am sure at least some of you are wondering if there will be a sequel. Certainly return visits are very much a possibility as the ending stands. Well, good news! I have already begun plans for a follow-up story, to be published later this year, and I think you are all going to like it!

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Report Arvaus · 584 views · Story: The Seventh ·

I draw a bit as well, It seems

Hey, look! A pony!

Comments ( 5 )
  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5

Lives End was amazing. It was very brave of you to not give it a happy ending, to not have her try to save him. It made me cry, but both of the characters acted quite honorably by the end of the story. I also find the headcan on you came up with that you described in your blog very fascinating. This definitely gets a favorite. Keep writing pony!

414415 I didn't look at your bio, unfortunately. I tend to look at what sort of stories and things like that a person has on their page first as it gives me a better idea of their reading/writing tendencies. Sorry for the oversight.

Did you even bother to read my page before you posted on it?

Thank you.

  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5
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