• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just want to write some good stories


Long Time Waiting · 5:24am Oct 26th, 2020

I know you guys have been waiting a long time for the new story. over a year of me just trying to balance my home life as a father and writing the story. I have one last story in the S.A.A.B. series before I think I will be closing it forever. It has been a long ride but Other priorities have arisen and I have to step up. My daughter is going to be 3 in February. I still can't believe I am a father but I will try and post the last story for you guys before a year passes. Dismissed.

Report MajorFrostwing · 216 views ·

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Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33

Thanks for adding The Equestrian Manhunt to your favs! You don't know how much it helped in the war against toxicity.

Thank you for having added Fallen Knight to your favorites. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :eeyup:

Thanks for the favourite on A Pilot's Search!

Thanks for the fave!

  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33
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