• Member Since 27th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Monday


36 year old Brony who loves all things Sci-Fi

Story Status

Seventh Sense: - Complete
You Can't Go Home Again - Complete
You Won't Go Home Again - Complete
I'm Coming Home - On Hiatus
-- Chapter One - Ten Complete
-- Chapter Eleven 10% Complete
In Light's Shadow: - Canceled
Life is Hardly That Simple:
-- Chapter One Complete
-- Chapter Two Complete
Of Cold Nights and Long Sleeps - Complete
-- Needs Editing Pass

Milestones, Goals & Stats

Stats (Updated 10/3/2018)
114,122 Horsewords +11,468
7,113 Unique Views +3,464
391 Upvotes +130
303 Comments +65
Stories favorited/tracked 1,809 times +717
Highest ranked story:
Seventh Sense (21,277th +2,170)

Milestones & Goals
[ x ] Write 10,000 Horsewords
[ x ] Write 50,000 Horsewords
[ x ] Write 100,000 Horsewords
[ ] Write 500,000 Horsewords
[ x ] Have Story generate 10 comments
[ x ] Have Story generate 50 comments
[ x ] Have Story generate 100 comments
[ ] Have Story Generate 200 comments
[ x ] Attain 10 upvotes on a story
[ x ] Attain 50 upvotes on a story
[ x ] Attain 100 upvotes on a story
[ ] Attain 150 upvotes on a story
[ ] 1 Featured Fic
[ x ] 50 Followers
[ x ] 60 Followers
[ x ] 70 Followers
[ ] 100+Followers
[ ] Go to a brony convention
[ x ] Own a piece of pony merch
[ x ] Meet a fellow brony offline

Awesome Reads

What the Thousand Monkeys Typed Out

Awesome Reads


Look at me, being productive · 12:38pm Mar 10th, 2021

Hello, Fimfiction. It's me, Aceman.

Been a long time, but work over the past few years as kicked my ass, and then the pandemic hit and I lost my job in November, so guess who has time on his hands?

This guy.

The new Story is Blind Hope, a redo of my "In LIghts Shadow" story I wrote a few years ago and royally fucked up.


Report Aceman67 · 223 views · Story: Blind Hope ·
Comments ( 29 )
  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29

I'm glad you enjoyed the Cursed One. I dare not speak its name, lest I summon terrible Eldritch Things, but thank you regardless.

Anime is, however, me and God aren't on speaking terms.

Thanks for placing A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake on your bookshelves! The power of God and Anime are now on your side! :pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for the story.

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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