• Member Since 21st Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Darkwing Dust

Fellow brony, and overall Twidust fan!

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In Your General Opinion · 11:10am July 8th

Which villain, in either MLP and AJBS, is the least deserving of a redemption arc? It can be a major foe like Sombra, or a lowly antagonist like Blueblood.

Report Darkwing Dust · 114 views · Story: A Journey Beyond Sanity ·
Comments ( 289 )
  • Viewing 285 - 289 of 289

Happy birthday!!!

aaaand im done with "A Journey Beyond Sanity", at least with all the posted chapters up to now

that was a long, but fun adventure.

thanks for the story

Look at his blog

I thought the reason because he hate how low human becomes leading to it own destruction without realizing it

  • Viewing 285 - 289 of 289
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