• Member Since 21st Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Darkwing Dust

Fellow brony, and overall Twidust fan!


Recently reformed, Starlight Glimmer decides to follow a good friend's recommendation and attempt the peaceful activity of flying a kite for the first time ever... Only to fail spectacularly again and again. Luckily, the humourous bearded stallion whom suggested this peaceful sport in the first place is there to help.

(Voted by my readers on Discord. Dustlight, small fluff one-shot. Happy Valentine's!)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Journey Beyond Sanity

Equestria was doomed.

At least, that's how she remembered. How the human Twilight chose to deem it. That boy... Jack... He couldn't do it... Could he? Twilight wasn't entirely sure if relying on hope was the best resolve, especially for her own reformation.

But tonight, as the fireworks sprung into the nightly skies celebrating a promising new year, the distraught teen may find that hope after all.

Chapters (1)

Mr and Mrs Shy has invited their lovable daughter, and the warrior whom had taken shelter in her cottage they heard so much about through letters, eager to meet this stallion themselves. Will Stardust prove his worth? Would he even need to at all.

(Requires some reading of A Journey Beyond Sanity to understand the OC character better. Holiday one-shot; enjoy, and have an amazing Hearth's Warming!)

Chapters (1)

Stardust Balance. Jack Wright.

Two versions of the same individual brought from their worlds into a cartoon reality. The former, transformed into a cartoon form to fit his new environment. The latter, reduced by age back to teenage form. And both are lucky enough to somehow earn the affections of the two greatest girls on that whole planet.

Unfortunately, one of them may not see things that way. For why, on Valentine's Day of all places, was Stardust seemingly giving Twilight the cold shoulder? And what was Jack's sudden behaviour of late acting like a male Pinkie Pie?

Sunset knows that's always something behind Jack's actions, but Twilight is beginning to worry about her own relationship with her boyfriend...

Chapters (1)

What happens when you enter a movie with no expectations... And gain lots of things you didn't even know you'd get in turn? Well, Stardust has both pleasure, and pain, of receiving the best of both worlds.

Meanwhile, Spike just wants to know if The Last Jedi was any good or not.

Chapters (1)

Three Stardusts. One a pony, one a teen, and one whom maintained his original body from the real world. In the infamous EQG world, Sunset invites both Stardusts and their respective Twilights to join her and her respective Stardust on a nice ice skating date in the park. Things are bound to go smoothly right?


...Of course, it's Stardust we're talking about. And with three of them, the pain will increase thrice hold for them. And you thought the Equestrian Twilight couldn't skate...

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night! A time for horror festivities, spooks and much, much more! From an idea presented by her special somepony, Princess Twilight Sparkle hosts her own haunted domain featuring her own castle, with her friends aiding in making the spectacle an event to remember. Luckily, Miss Cheerilee and her students have been invited as the first to experience this ghastly experience.

Chapters (1)

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, sole ruler of the well-renowned Crystal Empire, grows increasingly weary from the burdens of taking care of a traditional kingdom alone. Though beloved and adored by her subjects, as she thought the world of them in turn, Cadence is beginning to tire out from the hardships of royalty.

An old friend of the family - Well, moreso a friend to her and bane to her aunt's existence - visits the Empire before the next Crystal Fair. And, upon seeing Cadence tiring herself out, sees to it the Princess of Love would never have to exhaust herself pointlessly again, harboring his own true feelings regarding the alicorn.

Chapters (1)

One month after a terrible case of heartbreak by someone she once held close to her, Twilight discovers one morning a love poem sticking out of her locker. Of course, due to her friends, the news breaks out, making it harder for them to pinpoint Twilight's secret admirer. Twilight suspects it involves an incident last month following the heartbreak.

Sunset, meanwhile, suspects Twilight's unquie behavious has something to do with Flash willing conversing with Canterlot High's own equivalent to the boogeyman.

Chapters (1)

A lonely, hungry Changeling gets the sustenance and compassion he needs from the most unlikely source. From someone else who knows the values of being kind... Just because you can.

Chapters (1)