• Member Since 21st Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Darkwing Dust

Fellow brony, and overall Twidust fan!


A lonely, hungry Changeling gets the sustenance and compassion he needs from the most unlikely source. From someone else who knows the values of being kind... Just because you can.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

The lack of a Fluttershy tag surprises me.

A little heavy handed but it was okay.

I am so confused...

So, the human already has knowledge of the future events that still have to come. Hmm, and by bringing Thorax to Ponyville he... well... actually, was messing up the timeline? Maybe... I'm a little bit confused right now. Especially because the ponies didn't react to his cryptic statements. (we know what he means, but from the ponies point of view they should not make sense).

This is me most of the time. Wanting to give kindness. Great story.

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