Question regarding my Human in Equestria story · 1:30am Jun 21st, 2024
Alright, i am about to head back to the trenches with this story, and I have a major question that needs answering.
You see, I am wanting to start my story right after the first two episodes of gen 4, but with the CMC and the other kids as teens, including pound cake and pumpkin cake.
I can do the cmc and school foals easily, but i am not sure how to handle pound cake and pumpkin cake when they featured so heavily in their premeire episode.
Thanks for the follow.
Frankly, I need to do more stuff with Spoiled Rich, she's the perfect kind of sexy milf bitch hate fuck.
Honestly just stumbled across it.
It's not bad
Thank you for favoring You Can't Pimp My Step Mom?! Kind of a late viewing since that came out in May, are you just trying to catch up with some of my older stuff?