• Member Since 7th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2017

Princess Cadance1

Love me for who I am. Love is powerful just the way it is


Melody Moon · 6:45pm Nov 21st, 2017

Hello, everyone, I made a pony if you like her please pm me and not take her thank you. and have a wonderful day.

Report Princess Cadance1 · 367 views ·



Melody Moon · 6:45pm Nov 21st, 2017

Hello, everyone, I made a pony if you like her please pm me and not take her thank you. and have a wonderful day.

Report Princess Cadance1 · 367 views ·

About Me

Favorite color: Green It is the color of hope. I hope one day my life will be happy and full of joy but until then all I can do is hope.
My hobbies: Long walks, LOVE ACTING, Drawing, Singing
Sports: Volleyball, and Dance
Annoying Habit People Do: Leave me for someone else, Judge me, toy with my feelings
I want to be a Veterinarian.
My favorites sodas: Orange Crush, Diet Lime Coke
I love Nightcore all of there music
If there is more you like to know please ask.

Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

Are you down to roleplay?

hey princess cadence i just follow you

Cool! I’ll PM you whenever you want. :yay:

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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