• Member Since 11th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2017


I love baking cookies, and eating cookies, and giving people cookies! (Especially my friends!) MLP:FiM is one of the MANY fandoms I'm in, and honestly one of my first! <3

I don't have a life, but here's some facts about what I do have:

1. Cookies.
2. Awesome friends both online and off!
3. A multitude of fandoms.
4. An awesome lil sis!! ^-^
5. I love writing! XD

Here, have an internet cookie:

My Main Fandoms

Marvel Cinematic Universe
DC Comic Books
Hamilton: An American Musical
Voltron: Legendary Defender


Surgery · 4:00pm Jun 8th, 2017

So I had a surgery yesterday, and oh my goodness it went so well. I went home 3 hours after, and now I’m just like living my life normally! :yay:
I had a minor procedure done in my nasal cavity to remove polyp, basically an annoying thing that was hindering my breathing, and now I can do stuff outside like a normal kid!! YASSSS

Report CookieCookiePony · 297 views ·
Comments ( 53 )
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Happy Holidays, hope you get to enjoy today to the fullest. And I wish you and those in your life a wonderful New Year's Eve.

No problem! Thanks for watching me

Yo, thanks for the watch!

2376635 You're welcome! I personally think your page is awesome so....

  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53
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