• Member Since 30th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen August 29th

Hubris Von Ego

Sunset Shimmer is best pony.

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Homeward bound · 5:23am Mar 12th, 2020

You know what I miss?

Taking a story idea and exploring it, seeing what comes to me and just where the characters go. I have a notebook of potentials for Adagio for a Sunset, but no idea how to get those ideas to progress. I am an untrained writer, a hobbiest at best and my story escaped the scope of my abilities. I want to revisit that particular story, hell I want to revisit several of my stories, almost all of which no one has been privy to since I never got them out of my head.

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Thank you kindly for the follow! It is much appreciated :pinkiehappy:. If you ever need anything, my door is always open!

You are invited!

Just in case you want to be a part of this groundbreaking, stunning, and entirely unfathomable
or just... really goofy group. Join me in my new group called Royal Fight Club... Let's see who Celestia will draw from the omniverse... (origin is my Iron Will vs. Mr. Satan story)
The only group you'll ever need! Well, not really :flutterrage:

Thank you so much for the follow!

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