• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen September 12th


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Comments ( 12 )
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Thanks for the fave mate. Don't forget to SMASH that like button and give that follow button a quick slap for further shenaniganry.
And don't be afraid to drop your thoughts in that comment box, and refer the story to your friends, family, neighbors, strangers, your postal carrier...

this is really a alwsome story, I read this story around the time I sing up and keep forgetting to make review for it {sorry]. On list of fave for instead of , story top3 for sure please make more and I hope make more storys too and have a alwsome day

Thanks for the fave on Defect!

Disgaea character is best profile picture. :rainbowkiss:

Hey, thanks for the fav on Of High Seas and Howling Winds :pinkiehappy: I greatly appreciate it.

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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