New Story Out Now! · 10:02pm Aug 24th, 2020
This is a slightly different direction for me to be taking, but I hope you all enjoy it!
Imperfect Storm (IRL novel)--first draft completed
Burning Sun (IRL novel)--working on first draft
Let Somepony Love You (Before It's Too Late)--placed in seasonal operation
We Could Be Heroes (Rarity/Coco superhero AU)--placed in seasonal operation (check my blog for potential updates on both)
Paging Doctor Sparkle—♣ complete ♣
Glitched Stitches— ♠ complete ♠
Light Pollution— ♢ complete ♢
If You Give a Little Love— ♡ complete ♡
This is a slightly different direction for me to be taking, but I hope you all enjoy it!
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Have you told her yet...?
SURE GOD BLESS. God loves you, now and forever.
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Was curious you gonna make more stories?
Thank you so very much for the favorite. Excuse me while I try very hard not to squeal and lose my dignity from shock.