• Member Since 19th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen February 2nd


life is a pile of good and bad. the good doesn’t always soften the bad, but vice versa the bad doen’t always spoil the good or make them unimportant.

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welp, time for embarassment · 2:56am Apr 4th, 2014

here is what i promised you lot. keep in mind that i edited it a bit to make it louder and some parts didn't seem to sync up right.

Report themouthofmush · 772 views ·
Comments ( 680 )
  • Viewing 676 - 680 of 680

Well, I appreciate it a lot, my friend. :heart:

you had a story that looked interesting. all a reader could ask for.

even if that might be the case, saying stuff like that makes me think I should try to be a better writer than I am. been months since I published anything and all I've done is worked on the same first half of a story for a year.

And just between you and I, the whole "Fimfiction Elite 1k plus follower" thing doesn't work for me too much. I just like chatting with good people. You're good people. I believe when we first talked pre-heart invasion, I was a nobody, but you didn't care. You followed me and ready my nonsense anyway. :heart:

  • Viewing 676 - 680 of 680
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