• Member Since 9th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2017


I make techno and techno accessories


Still here · 9:23pm Apr 8th, 2014

...However I haven't been online much,
But that's changing today!

Report delfin · 425 views ·

Who Are You And What Are You Doing Here?

Hmm, It appears that you are checking out my profile, so a little bit about me. I'm more of a writer, but every once in a while I'll read some stories. I'll probably always be online, so message me anytime! As far as stories go, I'll only post finished stories, so sorry if I take awhile to write!
Additional info:
Age: Ха-ха никогда не
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skype: Send me a pm here if you want my skype
Current story(s) that I'm writing (Titles May Change):
A Night At The Bar (Might not finish it :/)

What I do, why I do

Alright, so you might be asking "InsertBronyUsernameHere, why the sky blue?"
That is irrelevant, but here you go.
You might be asking "InsertBronyUsernameHere, why am I so tired?"
Because you get no sleep, as do I as well, still that is still irreverent.
You might be asking "InsertBronyUsernameHere, why do you even write?!"
Finally! A relevant question!
You see, when you mix depression with My Little Pony, you get the urge to write. I personally love writing, it makes me feel better about myself, for some reason.
So, there you have it! If you have any other questions feel free to pm me.
- InsertBronyUsernameHere

Things That I would Like To Accomplish (HAHAHA! No.)

Here's my list of things I would love to accomplish but probably won't.
[ ] Complete more then 20 stories and post them
[ ] Get featured 5 times
[ ] Get featured 10 times
[ ] Get featured 15 times
[ ] Get featured on Equestria Daily
[ ] Hit 10,000 storyviews
[ ] Hit 25,000 storyviews
[ ] Hit 50,000 storyviews
[ ] Hit 100 followers
[ ] Hit 250 followers
[ ] Hit 500 followers
[ ] Hit 750 followers
[ ] Hit 1,000 followers
[ ] Get 1,000 favorites on a story
[ ] Get 2,500 favorites on a story
[ ] Get 1,000 comments on a story
[ ] Get 2,000 comments on a story
[ ] Get 5,000 comments on a story
[ ] Get Regidar to watch me
[ ] Get moar people to watch me
[ ] Write a collab with Rainbowbob
[ ] Write a collab with Regidar

What Is Freindship?

Here's Some Words For You To View With Your Eyes

Comments ( 60 )
  • Viewing 41 - 60 of 60

1250443 Hmm, Alright then sounds just.

1250441 Mm is my way of agreement, or maybe.

1250430 I don't know what kind of obsession you have with Mm
But I'm ok with it.

1250422 Sure, shoot me a pm if you want to talk.

Mm, you and me seem very similar. Maybe we'll have to talk more, maybe. Mmph.

No problem dude... by the way, I like the Sexual Harassment Panda avatar

1158424 Hai
No, not really :fluttershysad:

Okie. Are you feeling better now?

1154774 Maybe I'll give it a a watch later

1154750 Not now, at least.

1154747 Interesting.

Nothing you want to talk about, I assume?

It's about a goddess that is traveling with a merchant. I've started in season 2, because that's what they have on netflix, so I'm not sure what's happening, but I think Holo (the name of the goddess) is lost from her home. She's a goddess of wheat in a town that they are trying to find.

1154722 Eh, just personal stuff.

  • Viewing 41 - 60 of 60
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