• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen June 24th

I Am The Night

Mares are cute. They are also fluffy. I want to pet the pretty mares and give them snuggles.


Sorry for lack of updates! · 2:21am Jan 6th, 2020

Sorry for the lack of updates on stories! Had to move out of family's place and into a sibling's. Graduated college so getting ready to look for a job and apartment over the next month. Will update The Lion's Roar with a new chapter in the next couple of days to break the schedule temporarily.

Report I Am The Night · 362 views · Story: The Lion's Roar ·

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Dawww... Flutterbat for the win ♡

hello, are you still active?

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Oct 12th, 2021

So, how much can I pay for a commission?

Thank you

I can’t find your human of a pony story on FanFiction.Net anybody got a link?

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

:twilightsmile:You’re welcome:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 264 - 273 of 273
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Sorry for lack of updates! · 2:21am Jan 6th, 2020

Sorry for the lack of updates on stories! Had to move out of family's place and into a sibling's. Graduated college so getting ready to look for a job and apartment over the next month. Will update The Lion's Roar with a new chapter in the next couple of days to break the schedule temporarily.

Report I Am The Night · 362 views · Story: The Lion's Roar ·

Sorry for lack of updates! · 2:21am Jan 6th, 2020

Sorry for the lack of updates on stories! Had to move out of family's place and into a sibling's. Graduated college so getting ready to look for a job and apartment over the next month. Will update The Lion's Roar with a new chapter in the next couple of days to break the schedule temporarily.

Report I Am The Night · 362 views · Story: The Lion's Roar ·