• Member Since 4th Jul, 2014
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I'm katie! I'm a young trans mare who loves to write, coming back after a years long hiatus ((And transforming)) To get back into my reading and writting of pony fanfiction! I'm glad to be back <3


Chapter 18 is... still a work in progress. · 3:42pm Oct 28th, 2023

I've been working on this chapter for longer then I think anyone will expect. There was a time during this project where I had more then the next five chapters written, waiting to be edited and released, but I've since caught up. I've rewritten this chapter a few times without being happy, though I'm finally taking it in a direction that I can be happy with!

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One of my minor OCs is actually from Stable 2. An earth stallion named Peepers. He was about 11ish during the events of FoE, and the Steel Ranger attack became quite the core memory for him. Rather than it be traumatic for him, he instead became obsessed with somehow obtaining his own suit of power armor some day.

At the age of 16, he volunteered to join AJ's Rangers, but was relegated to being a Scribe due to his rather skinny stature and extremely poor eyesight. It also didn't help that he hated all the politics within the Rangers. A year in, he got a much better offer in Baltimare he couldn't pass up, as the local militia of a new community came into possession of a small cache of power armor and needed knowledgeable ponies to make use of it.

The Hot Rods of the Hub quickly became Peepers' new family, an expressive and skilled group of ponies, griffons, and even some zebras who adorned their armor and gear with signature flaming paint jobs. Peepers worked around his eyesight issues by installing prescription lenses into the visor of his helmet, and when he's out of his armor he wears stylish prescription sunglasses.

(The Hot Rods are very much based on the Atom Cats in Fallout 4, and Peepers has the same style and speaking mannerisms as Zeke.)

Being from Stable 2 is something Peepers quickly learned to keep to himself. Not that it made him a target or anything, but because he got sick of the "dId YoU kNoW tHe LiGhTbRiNgEr!?" questions.

"Dude, nopony knew Littlepip. She stood out about as much as wallpaper. I didn't even know her name until she left the Stable, chasing after Velvet."

Caesar: "Buzhou is centuries behind! They'll be no match for our modern firepower!"

The Average Kitsune:

Amaterasu is a Loong (Eastern Dragon) and the Goddess of Storms. She has immense weather manipulation powers, and is the originator of martial arts on Equus.

I picture her having these patterns:
And this color palette:
She's also a floofster like this:
It also occurs to me that the protective storm around Buzhou is likely radioactive, due to the balefire missiles detonated within it. Just another reason no one tries to venture through it.

I do really wonder what's going on in the rest of the FO:E world. How other nations are faring after the bombs. Did the ponies and zebras only launch WMDs directly at each other, or was the whole world laid to waste? For instance, was Yakyakistan involved, or are they so isolated that they don't even know a war occurred at all?

What about nations that refused to be dragged into it? I head-canon that the Kirin/Kitsune homeland of Buzhou fiercely defended their neutrality, going so far as to repel an attempted annexation by Caesar while refusing aid from Equestria. When the Last Day occurred, Empress Amaterasu concealed and protected Buzhou within the eye of an enormous hurricane, whose lightning destroyed all incoming missiles. This storm continues to this day, keeping the mystical lands isolated from the wasteland.

Ah, that was it. Weird, I don't remember disabling mature content.

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