
Viewing 1 - 20 of 269 results

New Story, but warning, it's not for everyone. · 12:58pm Aug 13th, 2019

Doing an experimental story following Dance of the Orthrus, were we follow a scout who is less heroic, and more a slut. I mean shes a good mare, and a fun character, and I love to draw her, but she is also made to be NSFW. If your into that stuff, have fun, if not, your not missing anything. Though I will likely have what happens here be Cannon for my next story, though then it will be a question of if I ever make it to where it matters or not.

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Report Dice Warwick · 230 views · #foe

time for ch 28! Also new story. · 3:00pm Aug 6th, 2016

So more art from dronehunter19, and more down the road, so keep an eye out for that.

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Report Dice Warwick · 292 views · #FoE

Hey Everypony, Try your hoof at writing · 3:39am Jul 14th, 2020

Hey Everypony, Doomande and some of the others have decided to try to get another round of FoE: ABC, this time it is Enclave themed. This is to be for fun and it has been long time since a group project happened last time. They are having trouble getting enough writers for it so far. I am in, but would really appreciate it if some you others out there who would like to try your hoof at writing, here is a good chance to try your hoof at it.

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Report Trooper · 189 views · #FoE

How much I read Fallout Equestria Fics · 1:13am Nov 13th, 2020

So I just went through all of the FoE Fics that I have read
I combed through every one, Grabbed a calculator, and added up the total word count of all of them. The total... to be honest didn't surprise me

It ended up being about 11 Million words read, 10,924,901 to be exact
If you look at my account you can see for yourself

Report LBiltatclkeJPaicpk · 174 views · #FoE

Update: Eternal Shadows chapter four · 8:00pm Oct 9th, 2016

The fourth chapter is taking longer to write as it will be longer than the previous chapters as well as it taking a more serious tone. I will try to get it out as soon as possible. see you later

Report Chaotic Flier · 322 views · #FoE

15 · 5:52am Feb 9th, 2021

Oh my, almost a month in and I'm in the last and latest chapter for Trigger To Tomorrow and I'm going to have to take a pause on that because quite frankly, that story is just too good! I started reading it when Vex uploaded the latest chapter back on the tenth of Jan. Longwalk's journey so far has been a thrilling ride. Almost non-stop action. It is something I'm not used to in FoE fanfics.

In lieu of this, I'm jumping straight back in War Does Change oh my, the plot thickens.

Report Revluc_The_Pony · 284 views · #FoE

Updates, Name Change and Clarification on FO:E - Moonlight · 7:20pm Jul 7th, 2022

Hey y'all. Been a while. I'm here with some updates and a clarification on one of my stories, and why I changed my display name.

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Fallout: Equestria - Reclamation Day · 2:31pm Jul 10th, 2018

Whew lad.

Looks like some of you guys noticed I posted a new story, right?

This should be exciting. Hope you guys enjoy it. :)

Also, don't forget that I do have a Patreon if you want to support my work!

Thanks folks!

- V

Report volrathxp · 661 views · #Updates #FOE

Some character art and and new chapter soon. · 3:58pm Feb 6th, 2022

It happen that I have some really cool fanart, that I've been sitting on for awhile, and I figured it's high time to share it here. And as the name of the blog suggests the new chapter should be ready fairly soon, it's in the final draft stage and there's only a couple scenes left to write. And now here's the art:
Con Grifter

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Report Nethlarion · 114 views · #fanart #FOE

Which FoE story should I write next (Poll) · 8:13pm Oct 20th, 2017

So I'm gearing up to write my next FoE story for my own setting, but I have a problem I've got too many story ideas. So I've decided to create a blog of my favorite story ideas and let you guys vote on it, and whatever wins will be the story I write. I will be running this poll tell Monday morning so you guys have tell then to vote.
If you have any questions please let me know.

Report Guiding_Passion · 390 views · #poll #FoE

Chapter 14 of Rust is up X3 · 7:33pm Dec 17th, 2016

So a new chapter is up, and I hope you enjoy. As for my progress, It's been an off week for me, and I didn't get anything done but drink more beer then I should be doing. It's probably one of those ruts that happens t people, so bear with me. Luckaly I have a nice backlog of chapters, so this should clear up before I run out of chapters to put out.

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Report Dice Warwick · 347 views · #FoE #Harpy

Guess what? · 6:13am Oct 4th, 2018

So, I got my first story approved, and leave a comment on what your guess is for the series!

Report The-Hidden-Fox · 272 views · #whoop! #FoE

Nightmares Chapter 1 · 9:23pm Mar 16th, 2016

Finally chapter one of my story is just
35 or 42 more to go... ._. oh well click my prof. and read if you will enjoy


More art! and update on new story. · 5:11pm Sep 4th, 2016

more art from dronehunter19 or what he rather go by Derpanater

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Chapter 43 is up!! · 10:30am Apr 14th, 2018

First off, Derp is back with an art peace, so go check him out. I also want to thank Gamma Deekay for helping me out with editing, things would be a much bigger mess without him around.

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Report Dice Warwick · 297 views · #Mirelurk #Lurker #FoE

Were getting there, the end is nere, and ch 65 is out. · 8:07am Jun 22nd, 2019

As of now, there are three more chapters left and the epilogue, all still need editing, but I've gone over them, so that should be an easy job for Gamma.

On another note, I'm working on a one shot, it taking place right after Slowtrots arrive in New Appaloosa, were we get to see what Star Charter (Now an adult) is up to, along with a sneak peek as some of the characters that will be appearing in my next story project.

Anywho, here's some art.

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heads up. Chapter 57 is out! · 10:21pm Dec 11th, 2018

More from our friend Derp, show that guy some love.

As for the writing, I've been a bit slow lately, but progress has been happening, not much else I can say, other then thank you for sticking with me.


Update Chapter 4 · 6:09am Aug 10th, 2018

If you aren't already following my Instagram @official_foe_newshire then I highly suggest you do so. Frequent updates and art are always posted on there. In other news, Chapter 4 is about 2/7 comolete and should be (not will be) posted in about 9 days. So stay tuned for more!


November Update (11/11/19) · 11:11pm Nov 11th, 2019

Hey everyone, this'll be a short blog post.

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Report ElDee · 230 views · #foe #update #red 36

CH19 is up of Desperados, and guns!!! · 2:11pm Oct 2nd, 2020

Viewing 1 - 20 of 269 results