
Viewing 1 - 20 of 643 results

First Story Update · 6:04pm Jan 27th, 2018

I'm nearing Completion on my First chapter, but I won't post it until I have the second chapter finished.

Report Admiral_Gravleos · 336 views · #Progress

Chapter 1 part 2 Binky's Friend: Pink Sound (warning contains dead dog, injured Apple Jack, and evil Apple Bloom. Unedited.) · 11:32am May 17th, 2016

Chapter 1
Insonica part 2
Elsewhere in Academy City

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Great Progress Today · 5:17am Apr 25th, 2017

Good news! I only have about three more scenes left in the chapter!

Now, these scenes are pretty huge, but... yeah. I got half of one of these scenes done today, so I feel pretty accomplished.

Well, there is a chance that the majority of the content of one of the scenes will fit better in one of the next book's early chapters, so it might be only two scenes. But the next scene I'm working on is the "climax" of the story, so it's a bit bigger than the one I just finished.

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As it stands · 5:32am Aug 16th, 2017

So. Hello everyone! It's been a long ass time since anyone's heard of me. My life is still a bit shit, but it's okay.

Anyways, I didn't come back from the dead and make a deal with someone just to make an update about my life. No, I came to make an update about my stories, in particular Displacement of Prime. So, let's get to it, shall we?

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Report DJ A String · 710 views · #PROGRESS!

IWPFT: Chapter Four ~ Progress #1 · 10:33am Jun 18th, 2015

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Report August · 1,417 views · #progress

Hot Dam - Chapter 2 · 12:37am Nov 13th, 2016

Good news everybody.

The first draft of Chapter 2 of Hot Dam is off to my pre-readers/editors, and I've got confirmation that all of them have either seen the PM alerting them to this fact, or that they've actually started pointing out all of my mistakes. (Pity them for my mistakes are Legion)

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Report The Wind King · 345 views · #PROGRESS!!!!

More Writing - 7/02/2017 · 5:58am Feb 7th, 2017

Writing, writing, writing faerie princess!

Been working on chapter 6 and 7. At least half way done with chapter 6. Actually, maybe more so now than I think about it. Give me another 2 days of solid writing and it should be done. Then editing! Yay :P

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Report Morpheus Sandman · 240 views · #progress

Going to bed but got progress on the chapter · 2:41am Sep 10th, 2018

Wrote 3000 words these last few days during my time off from work so nearly 7k in the chapter.

No it's not done, but it's going to a head point. And I don't want to look up how often I'll use the words "red" "clot" or "blood" in this chapter cause I think that might come off as edgy, but it's a fair bit.

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Report Peridork · 282 views · #progress

Current Progress for chapter 24 · 1:14pm May 17th, 2016

Outlining is done...ish. I am not going to lie to you all. I have the next couple of chapters outlined-ish problem is the outline is faulty and I am trying to figure out a way to get it the way I want without rushing a plot point to cover the ground I feel is faulty.

Overall I am trying to bring up the quality of the next few chapters in the outline before moving on to write them, so be patient please. The next couple of chapters are a bit trying is all.


Progress Report and Saw An Awesome Movie · 11:09pm May 20th, 2018

Howdy everyone who finds this. Boy, been over a month since I said anything here besides minor comments on stories. Hope you all have had a good time. No doubt you guys noticed the title. So let's begin
Warning, this is a long one.

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Still alive · 6:25pm Oct 18th, 2023

Making Progress on No Glory Won.

Sorry for taking so long.

Report Mr Unidentified · 142 views · #Progress

Criticism needed · 4:27am Jul 26th, 2015

Black boots clacked on the cracked pavement. The heavy footfalls echoing along the dark alleys and off the grimy brick walls that lined the sidewalk. They stopped after a time, the iron grey toes of the jet black boots coming to a stop inches before a plastic trash can. Gray hands came out of leather pockets, reaching towards the garbage bin. They dug through the mess, grimy fingers clutching around anything metal. Copper, tin, even some tarnished silver. The metal pieces clashed and scraped

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Report Hex Bloodstone · 376 views · #Progress

Progress 4.2k/7k words so far · 12:21am Sep 2nd, 2015

I'm hoping I land this within the range of words I want to write. Don't screw me over fate! MY Luck stat is at least a D, a C at the most!

SO yeah just an update for you guys on how these chapters are going. I want to get this chapter up before a month passes (In my writing time since publishing the latest chapter). Whelp the show must go on.


Report Nasha Rei Kun · 259 views · #Progress

5000 words into the next chapter · 8:02am May 24th, 2019

That only is like three total scenes so oof.

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Report Peridork · 211 views · #progress

Happy Saint Patrick's Day · 9:37pm Mar 17th, 2018

I made a blog for Valentine's Day, might as well do one today. Howdy. Happy St Patrick's Day everyone. I hope you'll all having a good day. The day of luck. I really have no opinion on this holiday. Don't like it or hate it. I'm just neutral about it.

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Two Year Anniversary · 11:23pm Jan 15th, 2018

Howdy those who'll see this. This is a blog I decided to write for the two year anniversary of me having an account on this site. Honestly I'm quite surprised it's only been two. Nothing to say on the anniversary except for the fact that I'm surprised that I'm even doing this. I mean, when I started, I said I wouldn't be making any stories because they wouldn't be any good. Now, Only 2 years later, I have two stories that quite a few people actually like. Talk about a surprise.

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Happy New Year · 5:01am Jan 1st, 2019

Welp, 2018 is now done. And it was a good year. Be prepared because this is a long one.

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Merry Christmas 2019 · 11:36pm Dec 25th, 2019

Hello hello everyone who actually reads this. Been a while since I did one of these. I hope you're having/had a very merry Christmas. Mine was mostly neutral. No point talking about what i got this year.

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Progress! · 12:30am Mar 30th, 2015

Spending hours on top of hours filling in little rooftops in different colors and all in different perspectives shouldn't be part of something you do for a hobby, but that's what I've been doing for the past two weeks (I think... it's all kind of blurry). Oh sure, there was a sense of satisfaction when I finished drawing the city, but that doesn't change the fact that
Preach, girls.

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Main outline for Zacharais and the Study of Magic. · 5:57am Jul 17th, 2015

Season one: Zach must adjust to his new life in the pony world. He also learns a few new abilities.

Season Two: After helping with Discord, Zach ponders the meaning of the vision the elements gave him while also thinking about his feelings for his friends.

Season Three: Zach wants to tell Twilight a secret of his(the vision), but has troubles doing so.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 643 results