• Member Since 16th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I'm just a random guy who wants to read good fanfics. If you want to know anything about me, (I doubt any of you do, but you never know) just ask me

Comments ( 273 )
  • Viewing 254 - 273 of 273

It was unsubmitted years ago since she been planning a remake. Though now some of those plans have changed.

Yeah it does, thanks. But what happened to her Team Rocket story?

Hey, can you tell me what happened to your friend Star. I always get an 404 error message when I click her user page link in your story and when I click the link to her stories I am asked for a password. I'm confused because I don't know what that means.

Thanks for the watch

Thanks for the fav

Yeah aaron the ninjacat

You have a Discord account?

Up to chapter 45

How much did you read?

I find your story is very good and interesting never thought people would bring back the OG Spiderman abilities bio webs

Thanks for bookshelving A Change In View

Thank you so much for faving my first ever fic ever muh dude! You Just Work!

You're welcome. Don't really know why I didn't do it sooner.

Hey there, thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav!

Well I have that shelf for a reason and your thing is interesting enough to be saved

  • Viewing 254 - 273 of 273
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My First Blog · 12:04am Mar 3rd, 2016

Hello hello everyone. My name is DarkSpider. I'm not sure if anyone will notice this, but I wanted to finally do it. I'm a relatively new member of this site, even through I've been on since mid-January, and I wanted to make myself known. I'm going to say a few things for anyone who might be curious about said things.

First off, I'm sadly not going to post any stories. I love reading stories, but I can't come up with one of my own for the life of me.

Second, I'm

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2021 Done · 7:14am Jan 1st, 2022

Howdy every one. Happy New Year 🎉. Even if this is 2 hours late for everyone in my time zone.

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