• Member Since 20th Jul, 2014
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I'm a Sonic fan (obviously) who is also a fan of this show. ...not much else to say.


This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

Based on the movie: Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but with some changes.

Eight months after settling in Canterlot City, Sonic is eager to prove that he has what it takes to be a true hero. His ultimate test comes however when the evil Dr. Robotnik returns, along with his new partner, Knuckles, searching for a mysterious mystical emerald that has the power to wipe out civilizations.

Meanwhile, graduation is growing near for CHS, but the upcoming ceremony and pre-graduation party were ruined due to an “incident” by the CMCs. Luckily, the whole school, including the Equestria Girls, were invited to a trip to Hoofolulu, Hoovaii to have their graduation there by none other than Twilight’s favorite astrophysicist, Rosette Nebula. 

But there is just one problem. The Dazzlings were hired as music entertainment for the event instead.

While the Equestria Girls investigate the Dazzlings' sinister plans, Sonic teams up with the CMCs, Spike, Tempest Shadow, and their new allies, Miles "Tails" Prower and a mysterious new man who called himself, “Prism”. And together, they all race across the globe to locate the emerald before it falls into the wrong hands.

Special thanks to MLPSolarDash1907, Battwell, ScisetShimmerEvan, and BigECatUNC for proofreading.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is owned by Paramount Pictures and Sega.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is owned by Hasbro.

The Rainbooms vectors by: Gmaplay
Adagio vector by: Mixiepie
Aria and Sonata vector by: Givralix
Spike vector by: red4567-2
Tempest vector by: GihhBloonde
Rainbow Blitz (Blaze) vector by: Orin331
The rest of the cover is made by me.

FEATURED: 4/8/23 - I'm on the Featured List ALREADY!? :pinkiegasp: :twilightoops: Thank you all so much! :pinkiehappy: :scootangel:

This story now has TV Tropes page! :raritystarry:

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 515 )
Comment posted by MarioBrony deleted Nov 22nd, 2024

Wonderful work on the showing of the situations with the main villains of this piece (not just Robotnik, but the Dazzlings and THEIR new ally too [with Adagio initially being reluctant to go against the Rainbooms again before being shown a method of getting their powers back AND gaining greater power than before]). Indeed, the exchanges, characterizations, references to both involved franchises, compare and contrast concerning the aforementioned situations and future chapter set-up in all the right places.

Now, on to the next chapter.

Comment posted by MarioBrony deleted Nov 22nd, 2024

Oh hi Cinch! The woman nobody thinks can be redeemed lol

Yes! The sequel is finally here!

We're already off to a great start. Not only has Robotnik met Knuckles, the Dazzlings have their own subplot too. This should be interesting.

"Sonata! Make us an extra batch of tacos!" She ordered before facing the stranger with a full tooth smirk. "We're inviting a guest tonight!"

She just said the magic word.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action, references and future chapter set-up. In addition to the stuff from the actual movie, I also really understood the girls' (and other students') frustrations concerning Spoiled being acting Principal instead of Luna (and it's really telling that Sci-Twi thinks the only principal that was worse than Spoiled was Cinch). While I can relate to the Crusaders' efforts to make the party much more enjoyable, they DID go too far. At least the girls made sure everybody made it out all right (in spite of Spoiled's cowardice). While I really appreciated Luna ripping into Spoiled, I appreciated the Crusaders' acknowledgement that they messed up big time even more.

VERY MUCH looking forward to more of this.

This is gonna be epic and this story Equestria Girls:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is so totally going to be super cool and enjoyable😄😄😄

Super Wicked and Super cool Job on this story, very impressive work✨😄✨

Screw Sonic 2 plot! I'm here now for the Equestria Girls bit!

Oh man, looks like Sonic and the CMC all still have a lot of growing up to do.

However, unlike the previous years, this year's "party" for the seniors was different. Instead of music, food, and social interactions between friends, they were having an "orientation party" where they were forced to learn things that many did not want to learn. All the students were standing around with bored, disappointed, and angry expressions on their faces, waiting to get this "lesson" over with. They all felt they were robbed of their promised fun and relaxed event.

And they all blamed the current "Principal" of their school for all the changes for this "party".

"Welcome senior students of CHS!" Announced their Principal in her sickly sweet voice. "And welcome to our special 'Orientation Lesson' party of the outside world, hosted and arranged by your favorite and generous Principal… ME! Spoiled Rich!"

What the Hell?! Why is Spoiled Rich of all people the new principal? It is no wonder the CMC tried to lighten the mood with a real party with her ruining everything.

AHHH!" She screamed, nearly dropping Rarity as she tried to swat the flames away. "MAH HAT’S ON FIRE! HELP!

Nice reference to the original movie.

Accidentally burning your school down is hell of a way to graduate from it.

I bet both groups of bad guys team up to accomplish their respective goals together!!!

So hyped for this, just finished the chapter duo, LOVE IT TO DEATH!!! XD, keep up the great work

This has Hooked me already l can’t wait to see how this plays out! :pinkiehappy:

Finally, it is released. While I am waiting for next chapters, I am going to write my own

With these two episodes, I have several questions:

1) The Dazzlings' new ally is Abacus Cinch?

2) What happened to Principal Celestia to make Spoiled Rich as the new CHS principal?

3) Applejack's hat wasn't his father's hat (may he rest in peace)?

4) Who is that Rosette Nebula that is mentioned in the description of the story?

5) This Prims, Sonic's new ally, is Rainbow Dash's uncle?

Okay, who's bright idea was it to choose Spolied Rich as Principal?! Did the school board get paid or drunk?!

The party would have been PERFECT if they hadn't included the animals.

That would be Sci-Twi's favorite astrophysicist from the short "Twilight under the Stars".

I understand, since I didn't see that short of the digital series, I didn't know.

So... who believes Knuckles is immune to Fluttershy's Stare and take it as a challenge to a duel?

After a moment of silence, Adagio turned towards one of her sisters.

"Sonata! Make us an extra batch of tacos!" She ordered before facing the stranger with a full tooth smirk. "We're inviting a guest tonight!"

The stranger smirked back.

For the two groups, this is the beginning of a very beautiful friendship.

Sonata: Gee Adagio, what do you and Aria want to do tonight?

Aria: The same thing we do every night, Sonata….


They’re The Dazzlings. The Dazzlings and the Insane, Sane, Sane, Sane, Sane!

Haven’t seen a boring presentation ruining prank of this scale since these two!

Hey Sonicfan05! Long time no see ( or in this case talk)! I'm really excited and happy that your sequel "Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2" is up! Great job with the Prologue and the first chapter! I didn't expect for the Dazzlings to be presented in this fanfic, but it would make sense for them to appear and have revenge against the Rainbooms. Not to mention adding an individual to their group who also wants to get back at the girls as well (which I know who it is that you included cause of 'her' background check). Also, I didn't expect for Spoiled Rich to be the new Principal in Celestia's place at Canterlot High; understandable since she's horrid, selfish, and manipulative to control the school, hence the name 'Spoiled'. Feel really bad for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo for planning a party and ends up burning the school down 'literally'. Thankfully the Equestria Girls came in to save everyone from the flaming structure. So, now we have to know what happens next with Sonic learning the intentions of being a true hero and what the Rainbooms and the CMCs will learn throughout this adventure as well. I also can't wait for them to meet Tails and Rainbow Dash's long-dead Uncle who somehow survived the attack from Robotnik. Please continue with this story and please update the next chapter real soon. Thanks and Happy Easter 🐰!

Rarity puso los ojos en blanco ante la patética exhibición de AJ. “¡Y dicen que soy demasiado dramático!”

Unlike you who make drama for any nonsense, that hat was a gift his father gave it to him before he died 😡😡😡



A Sega Sammy Company

A Hasbro Company

Original Film

Paramount Pictures

In Association With
Sega Sammy Group & Hasbro

Entertainment One
Original Film

Marza Animation Planet/Blur Studios

Equestria Girls: Sonic The Hedgehog 2

It was why they were currently sitting in the middle of nowhere, planning their next move. Unfortunately, they couldn't think of a good plan to get themselves out of this mess at that moment. They don't know for how much longer they could live in their poor state, but it was only a matter of time before they lived in poverty and were ignored by society.

And Adagio blamed all of their misfortunes on the Rainbooms for getting in their way.

You brought this upon yourselves. If you didn't try to take over the world, you're lives would be fine right now.

The stranger put their glasses back on with a frown. "For years I was merely trying to carry on my school's legacy by staying on top and putting Canterlot High in their place by any means for the sake of our reputation. But during one of our annual friendship games, those girls from CHS cheated that one year with their magic, so I had my top student use the magic that she took from them and use it against them."

They used it by YOU MANIPULATING TWILIGHT, But it backfired and you ran away like a COWARD.
Not caring about the safety of your students, only your stupid reputation that means nothing.

The stranger adjusted their glasses again. "As I said, we were both humiliated by our common enemy. I will gladly help you restore your magic. What you do with them afterward, I personally do not care. You can even burn the whole world with them for all I care!" Their faces were then covered in a shadow, but their glasses were still visible. "The only thing I want from you in return is to help me bring those girls to their knees… and destroy them!"

Cinch has issues

Hoovaii? SERIOUSLY? Plz not the constent pony puns....

"Welcome senior students of CHS!" Announced their Principal in her sickly sweet voice. "And welcome to our special 'Orientation Lesson' party of the outside world, hosted and arranged by your favorite and generous Principal… ME! Spoiled Rich! "


"Now I know most of you would rather dance the night away, drink punch, and sneak off somewhere sucking faces with your significant other as most teenagers do… but I think the best thing we can do for all our time instead is to teach you the ways of business . And I can't think of anyone better to teach you kids this topic than myself . So I hope you are all looking forward to it!"



Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Apr 9th, 2023

"Obviously, graduation is the foundation of living your own life and contributing to society, but nothing helps you more in life than a big stack of money!” said Spoiled as she set up a giant projection screen behind her. “This presentation on business I put together will teach you all how to earn your own."

AAAAAARRRRRRR. She is the worst principle to be chosen. TEACHING THEM THE WRONG THINGS


"…I take that back! This is worse!" Rainbow Dash groaned, slumping forward.

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Apr 9th, 2023

“ I have her code… over! ” Diamond answered.

“Great! then what's the code, over?” Scootaloo asked.

“ Password, over, ” said Diamond.

Scootaloo frowned in confusion. “Wait… is the password, over, over?”

“No, it's password, over!” Diamond answered in frustration.

“But you just said over, over!” Scootaloo pointed out, now even more confused.

“Oh for crying out– it's password! ”

“So what’s the password?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s password,” Diamond answered.

Apple Bloom frowned. “Yes, that’s what Ah said. What’s the password?”

“Password!” Diamond repeated, now getting frustrated again.

Apple Bloom scratched her head. “So…are ya gonna tell me or–”

“It's Password! ” Diamond screamed, finally losing her patience and nearly shattering Apple Bloom's eardrum. “The password is password! ”

Apple Bloom blinked in surprise. “Wait, seriously? Well, why didn’t ya say so?”

Diamond Tiara let out a frustrated growl at that.

Made me think of this

Rarity rolled her eyes at AJ’s pathetic display. “And they say I’m overly dramatic!”


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