• Member Since 17th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen May 2nd


I've been writing for about 15 years now, and if there's one thing I want, it's to whisk my readers away into another world, where they can lose themselves in the fantasy.


Discord Shenanigans - Please Read if Following! · 12:30am Nov 13th, 2021

Hello readers!

If you've been with me in the Sethverse discord, you'll be well aware of what's happened over the past two weeks. For those that are following but are not in the server, here is the situation.

I lost my discord account to a particularly sneaky hacker on the 2nd of November, who posed as someone in my server that I trusted, seconds after that person lost their account to the same hacker. As a result, I've lost access to the Sethverse Discord.

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Comments ( 54 )
  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54

Yo, you giving up rewriting or just busy.

I’m just curious.

The rewrites change quite a lot of stuff, I get that it might be too late, but you CAN find the old version in full on ff.net.

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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