• Member Since 15th Jan, 2016
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Attention world. Ponies. That is all.

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Update to "An Heir's Frailty" · 7:58am Feb 28th, 2023

A bit of a delayed update, but things are getting a little bit better. I got my Discord account back, and I hope the person who hacked me and others they got to got a heaping dose of karma. Thankfully, nothing else within my system was also stolen, especially passwords and certain credentials for certain things. The story is going to be a little bit on hiatus until I finally get motivated into writing more of it again. I have other stories on here that I've been working on and off with, and a

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Report Codex92 · 690 views ·
Comments ( 580 )
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Waiting is not the problem, one folks out the time eventually.
I personally have more than enough to fill out in time.
Waaay to many started up at once...
But updates come I time, steady goes the race ♡

Well, it's very rare to see someone being that highly dedicated to wait for the next update after none appears for more than a few months, or even a year. To be fair, I did try to start the next chapter, though I got hit with a mental block and started focusing on stories that weren't collabs I made with a few of my friends.

Looking forward to it eventually getting continued.
I had for one Author to wait for 6 years to finish his other stories to continue the one I followed, so no hurry :raritywink:
Thanks for writing as far as it is now.

I don't know if you're talking about "An Heir's Frailty", but the idea actually came from another person who requested the story, which ended up being a collab while I did all the writing in my style. I've also been a bit distracted with life and wanting to complete one of my more longer running stories for the last several years. Kinda on a bit of a hiatus just to...recharge my brain, in a sense.

I just discovered a story of yours, it has a adorable level of over 9000! Where do it originated from?

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