• Member Since 20th Jan, 2013
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No chapter on Christmas · 4:46pm Dec 24th, 2022

Hey everyone.

Just a quick announcement: the daily updates for Colours of Dusk will be paused for Christmas and resume on Boxing Day.

That’s all. Happy holidays to you all!

Report AlphatheGriffin17 · 131 views · Story: Colours of Dusk ·

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Comments ( 115 )
  • Viewing 111 - 115 of 115

Writing my story and I see 'similar' on the right. One of your stories was there. I knew I recognized the cover from long ago! Glad a fellow oldie never left the site.

Glad people are still discovering this series. These stories have been around for over a decade and I’m glad they exist!

Hello Alpha, I am very much enjoying your story of Dusk Noir. I'm doing a similar story as well with a seventh element.


Moustaches for a successful return!

So pumped for the final chapters of RoD and or CoD’s debut later on!

Okay, a few things. One, that was a late response. Two, my bud looked him up and found his profile on fanfiction. And three, he couldn't get in touch with him, but he managed to get a member of his trio. He got to talk with Quillin Words, the cover artist!😆 he even told QW about me! is my bud the best or what?

  • Viewing 111 - 115 of 115
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