• Member Since 17th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th


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I have Decided on the Length of a Moon. · 12:02pm Nov 22nd, 2021

So this phrase of time keeping in the world of My Little Problem, is vexing. The creators didn't want to flex their creative muscles and assign a numeric value to it so I am going to. 1 moon is 8 days, equestrians have 8 days in a week. One Year is 50 Moons, 400 days. 100 moons is 2 years, 800 days. The seasons are 100 days long, or 12.5 moons. That .5 of a moon is wiggle room for screw ups and delays. Additionally, Months are 25 days long and there are 16 of them in a year. If you

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