• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 5th


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Comments ( 16 )
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2414656 For the foreseeable future. I just don't have time anymore and I've written myself into some unfortunate corners. I would probably have to do a not-insignificant re-write if/when I get the chance to go back to it. I'm not ruling it out, but as it is I don't have time to write much of anything given my schedule.

So is "Oh, No! Not Another Dusk Shine Story! " dead? cause I want to see where it goes.

2178130 I will at some point, but my life is so hectic right now I don't have an idea when.

Are ever going to update your Dusk Shine story or is it dead?

I'd like to thank you for your fave on my work, As Long As You're Living!

It means a lot to me that you enjoyed it!

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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