Trying to get back into the show. · 8:42am Jun 6th, 2018
Good lordy, The Scare Master (s5e15) is the first of the episodes I haven't seen yet. I've got a long way to go to get even remotely caught up.
But yeah, this is a precursor for me to get back into writing. Slow going though. Especially because stress coming from work, the fact my wife was fired from her job in November, and the fact I'm kinda hunting for a new job.
Not to mention my In-Laws paying for me to go to cool-egg.
Your bio is my entire life in one sentence.
Oh hai. Sorry for taking so long to respond.
Yeah, that's me.
Are you really lord dragon claw from fan Right now, I'm reading the laughing fox- I looked at your other stories and found your summon is pink, and I thought about how weird it was that I found it there.
Fairly well. She's starting on a sci-fi book.