• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2016



Sequel is Up! · 4:44am Feb 23rd, 2013

The (hopefully) much-awaited sequel to Smoke and Mirrors has arrived! The prologue of The Troubles of Changing Times is now up, and more will be coming! Unfortunately, I'm not sure when, since a combination of school and motivation issues means updates will be sporadic at best. Even so, if you enjoy the first chapter, look forward to them!

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Comments ( 60 )
  • Viewing 56 - 60 of 60

Don't know if you can see this, but sir or madam, you have my respect for writing Smokes and Mirrors.

Not sure how you never got more comments or recognition, Smoke and Mirrors was absolutely fantastic.

Best of luck, wherever you've gone into the aether.

So. Uh. How ya doin?

still alive?

Wow, I've seen two people so far who have been on this site for a prolonged period of time yet follow less than ten people, I congratulate you on being one of them.

  • Viewing 56 - 60 of 60
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