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The Star In Yellow Twilight finds a book that drives you mad if you read it 30,177 words · 1,487 · 31
The Turning of the Screwball - The Strange Case of Button Stitch First part of the "Screwball Trilogy". Mysterious goings on and strange transformations. 14,025 words · 477 · 7
Anthropology Lyra is determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious legends of humans. 130,415 words · 8,550 · 175
No more TwinkiePinkie on fimfiction?
Thank you for the Fave of Shine!
18022 TwinkiePinkie is normal pony, yes She finds My Little Immortal highly amusing and awaits more
Do you have any idea how terrifying it was to check my notifications and see "TwinkiePinkie is watching you" at the top? I actually had to check over my shoulder to make sure that a miniature Pinkie Pie wasn't hovering over me with a murderous grin.
You probably aren't a killer pony, however, so.