I have been part of the herd since I was a kid lol before gen4 I loved gen 1 me born in 1991 lol
I wish to be a changeling. I love changelings. Can I be a changeling now? Oh, soon enough I'll actually write something for real... Don't know when though.
A human who was thrown from his world and brought to equestria as a pony dragon hybrid. I will use the powers I have gained to protect everyone as the bearer of the element of darkness
I am a Mark of Babylon. Many ponies view me as the villain. The reasons why I understand. My coat, my face, my eyes, my name, and my intention to murder. However I hope to help anyway I can.
Fell out of the fandom mid 2017, will check back once in a while when the nostalgia hits......
;A not so average unit armorer in the US Army. Also the hazmat, ammo handler, fueler, and occasionally mechanic UPDATE: Soon to be medically retired. Waiting to die. UPDATE: Retired now
Shadows cannot exist with light. Where there is light, shadows spawn. There must be balance. And that burden belongs to me...
Hi everyone and everypony. I guess I can call myself a brony now and i love the fanfiction you all provide.
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
"...as for the Why: beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can."
Hi, there! Everyone! It's me, VampireTails from fanfiction.net, AKA KibyKirby101 from AeriaGames, ready to cause to some creative mayhem in the FiM verse!! WHOOOHOOOO!!! XD