• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 20th, 2020


Sometimes I draw things. http://theanswerisduh.deviantart.com/


Updates (or better lack of) · 5:57am Aug 9th, 2013

Life likes to delay things, doesn't it? Well because writing isn't my top priority (as well as some other decision making), I have a few announcements about my incomplete stories~

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And you're not updating anything because...

Seem to have faded into obscurity or something... hoping you haven't left altogether. :scootangel:

The premise is cute and it's decently written. I could see some potential friendship development with Spike and Dash (particularly about how hopeless they are with their respective crushes)

Thanks for the fave on Heart Burns. I'm glad you liked it.

Been a bit inactive of late, anything troubling you? :unsuresweetie:

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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I don't write clop. Stop asking me.